There's a Twist
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This crossword uses the following rotationally symmetric grid (not all shaded (black) cells are given, though all highlighted (green) cells are):
Row 1: Love new start / Underwater areas within / Singers with ring / Train with German
Row 3: A missing atom map: easy nonprimary indication / Responded "Spinning vehicle in east; alien deceased"
Row 5: A rise in disrupted order of mammals / Typical game uses livelier starters in rear
Row 7: Everyone said "Behold!" / Excellent sparks from heart tell original story / Monsoons, if Spanish
Row 9: Activation: perhaps Echo? / Vow's ending (marriage vow): married, or unmarried? / Small collateral fish
Row 11: Testing hypothesis: "Do + 1 framing scene" / Particle makes neon within chaos in rut
Row 13: Hind's hind's hind, as Spooner would say / Detailed balance depends ultimately on distribution type
Row 15: In one step / Accumulate leads promptly / Circle decentralized ger / Nitrogen to aluminum
Column 1: South Massachusetts bricklayer / Surrenders leaders shortly / AI redirected mathematician / Small following pitch
Column 3: Wild (in retrospect) pale brown Eurasian river / Led yurts to form Eastern NHL team
Column 5: Newly titled, turned... uh... east without discredit / Quietly following, critique Macs for app image
Column 7: Trenches repulsed rush / Refers all leads to unintended design echoes / Skinless prune uses
Column 9: Two and through / Error in "Were any days in 2023?" / Bunch up with
Column 11: Obvious source: a guest resort's service interruptions / Love sound of bell containing 60% pearl
Column 13: Age before, interminably, ointment is wreck rescue / Its use's weird, perhaps: hygiene in papers
Column 15: The giving senior / Dried grapes missing / Eggs, for example / Dark land changing